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等级:类型:iPhone教育应用更新:2023/09/25 20:26大小:48.8M版本:v7.6.0语言:简体官网:http://www.pc6.com作者:AnkiApp IncApple Watch:



为您推荐:iPhone教育应用 背单词



  暗记App是一款帮您提升记忆与背诵效率工具软件,Anki暗记App针对人类用脑习惯、通过科学方法帮助用户完成不同领域记忆任务。使用Anki手机版您可根据自己的需求下载不同主题的 “暗记包”(学习卡片),通过Anki暗记App一系列自动化的效果追踪及练习设置有效达到学习目的。

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  点击 “创建暗记包”,只需将您想要输入的内容分别输在卡片的 “正面” 和 “反面”,







  同时,也可拥有超过七千万 暗记包存储量的Cram.com及Quizlet.com获得您所需要的内容,







  提高你的学习效率,突破了其他学习软件 “不够人性化” 的弱点。






v7.6.0- milestones on Profile screen
- improvements to text entry on macOS
- bug fixes
v7.5.1- Export decks, for backup and sharing
- Show deck title when editing cards during review
- Streamlined text-to-speech (TTS) language selection
- Improved payment handling and purchase restoration
- Bug fixes
v7.4.4- suggestions for mistyped emails
- fix editor size when on small screens
- improve handling of ignored cards
- bug fixes
v7.4.3- bug fixes
v7.4.1- bug fixes
v7.4.0- Redesigned Search screen
- Improved Stats screen design
- From Deck screen, Swipe-left on "Cards" heading to quickly make a new card
- Paste button in the Card editor, to quickly enter content copied from another app (e.g. a dictionary)
- UI improvements
- Fixed status bar sometimes becomes invisible
- Various other bug fixes
v7.3.8- Bug fixes
v7.3.7- Improvements to Settings and Deck screen UI
- Bug fixes
v7.3.6- UI improvements
- bug fixes
v7.3.4- Enable mixed review mode for Folders (only for decks created with AnkiApp 7.0 or greater)
- UI improvements
- Bug fixes
v7.3.2- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
v7.2.3- Improved translations
- Fix layout jump when reviewing cards with audio and TTS
- UI improvements
v7.2.2- improve deck search results ranking
- UI tweaks
- bug fixes
v7.2.0- Major backend performance upgrades
- Fix TTS front auto-plays (again) after card flip
- Fix Search tab doesn't search remote deck titles
- Fix can't tap field icon to change from Card Edit screen
- Fix Rich Text field type has font size option
- Various other bug fixes
- UI tweaks
v7.1.8- Bug fixes
v7.1.7- Added setting to enable advanced font options (style, size)
- Improved feedback when using global card search
- Improve rich text editor sizing detection
- Bug fixes
v7.0.6- fix images fail to save in some cases
- TTS improvements
- setting to search cards using glob (*?) search
- various other bug fixes
v7.0.4- fix back and front mixed up in some decks
- fix can't set more than one folder when creating deck
- make Rich Text deck type easier to find on New Deck screen (use this for your new decks if you need to work with bulletpoints, etc...)
- button to quickly dismiss card saved success message
v7.0.2AnkiApp 7 is PACKED with new features to make your flashcards more powerful, and more efficient to create!

- When you create a deck, you can now configure the type of each content field, to grant them special powers. There are a variety of pre-made configs to choose from, when you make a deck, to demonstrate these new features.
- Text-to-Speech (TTS) field type that automatically converts the text you input into ultra-high-quality spoken audio, in whatever language you choose.
- Chinese field type that automatically generates Pinyin reading.
- Japanese field type that automatically generates Furigana readings.
- Audio field type for recording audio, or attaching audio files.
- Image field type for attaching photos.
- Rich text field type for typing with bullet points, bold, italic, and more.
- TeX field type for writing mathematical equations.
- Code field type for computer code with automatic syntax highlighting.
- Fields come with a Source configuration setting that can translate the content of another field into dozens of languages, automatically, as you type.
- Card Orientation setting on the Deck screen, to switch between reviewing cards front-to-back ("Normal") and back-to-front ("Reversed").
- Streamlined card editor.
- Improved deck list, with sort by modified at, display of last reviewed and last modified.
- Option to name decks when you import them from spreadsheet.
- Bug fixes.
v7.0.1AnkiApp 7 is PACKED with new features to make your flashcards more powerful, and more efficient to create!

- When you create a deck, you can now configure the type of each content field, to grant them special powers. There are a variety of pre-made configs to choose from, when you make a deck, to demonstrate these new features.
- Text-to-Speech (TTS) field type that automatically converts the text you input into ultra-high-quality spoken audio, in whatever language you choose.
- Chinese field type that automatically generates Pinyin reading.
- Japanese field type that automatically generates Furigana readings.
- Audio field type for recording audio, or attaching audio files.
- Image field type for attaching photos.
- Rich text field type for typing with bullet points, bold, italic, and more.
- TeX field type for writing mathematical equations.
- Code field type for computer code with automatic syntax highlighting.
- Fields come with a Source configuration setting that can translate the content of another field into dozens of languages, automatically, as you type.
- Card Orientation setting on the Deck screen, to switch between reviewing cards front-to-back ("Normal") and back-to-front ("Reversed").
- Streamlined card editor.
- Improved deck list, with sort by modified at, display of last reviewed and last modified.
- Option to name decks when you import them from spreadsheet.
- Bug fixes.
v6.3.0- Improved Layout editor
- Fixed autoplay audio
- Various bug fixes
v6.2.1- Automatically receive updates to shared decks
- Create folders from the Folders screen
- Add decks to a folder from the Folder screen
- Fix Folder screen doesn't work for folder names containing symbols
- Create study groups from the Study Groups screen (not the Create button anymore)
- Switch Card layouts from the Card popup
- Bug fixes
v6.1.2- Redesigned Profile screen
- Settings, Help, Contact, and more are now on the Profile
- Moved Profile button from top-right of Home screen to tab bar
- Bug fixes
- Various UI improvements
v6.1.1- Bug fixes
v6.0.7- Radically faster deck downloads.
- Reduced storage usage for cards with images and audio.
- Bug fixes.
v5.3.2- Redesigned Study Group screen
- Progress indicator for login (for users with a lot of data)
- Bug fixes
- UI improvements
v5.2.2- Swipe to remove members from your Study Groups
- Japanese translation
- Italian translation
- Bug fixes
v5.2.1Easier access to Study Groups with link sharing! Study Groups let you easily share decks with other people. Now you can easily invite people to join your study group just by sharing a link.

Each Study Group now has a link that you can share directly by text message, email, etc... for friends to join your Study Group. When someone uses your Study Group link to join, you can then choose to accept or reject them, from the Study Group screen. Find your Study Groups from the "More" menu.
v5.2.0- More-powerful deck settings! Now you can control cards per session and font size for each deck, from the Deck screen's redesigned Settings section.
- Improved review performance when studying many cards in one session.
- No limit to number of cards per session (with AnkiApp Unlimited).
- Moved Layouts to the Deck screen menu.
- Various other UI improvements.
v5.1.8- improve app load time
- reduce app download size
- various UI improvements
- various bug fixes
v5.1.6- fix white screen issue on some older version of iOS
- improve swipe-back behavior
- react to system dark mode change in real-time
- update tags while downloading decks
- fix tag sorting on Deck screen
- miscellaneous other touch-ups
v5.1.2- wrap long text in card editor
- fix adding field to layout
- fix copying cards
v5.1.0- 精简的卡牌编辑器
- 在 "我的牌组 "屏幕上拉动刷新远程牌组
- 错误修正
- 翻译改进
v5.0.1- Our biggest UI update ever
- Record sounds for your cards
- "Remove formatting" button in card editor
- Watch app and Study Goal complication
- Mac app
- Prevent accidental data loss when making or editing cards
- Bug fixes
v5.0.0- Our biggest UI update ever
- Record sounds for your cards
- Watch app and Study Goal complication
- Bug fixes
v4.13.0- "in order" card reviewing with option to "skip"
*NOTE*: To take advantage of this review mode for already downloaded decks, please remove the deck and re-download :)
*NOTE*: Some decks that were previously imported may not have order information.
- disable spell checking in rich editor
- fix issue with '%' in tag name
- remove deck option visibility change
v4.12.0- Simplified removing decks from folders. Go to the Folder screen, then use the "..." menu in the top-right to remove decks from that Folder.
v4.9.10- easier access to the Profile screen
- bug fixes
v4.9.9- bug fixes
v4.9.8- redesigned New Deck screen
- streamlined import process
- UI tweaks
- bug fixes
v4.9.7- UI improvements
- fix issue when copying cards with images
- various other bug fixes
v4.9.5- improved change email and change password functionality
- usability tweaks
- bug fixes
v4.9.4- 文件夹! 使用文件夹组织您的牌组,并同时查看一个文件夹中的所有牌组。 使用甲板屏幕上的“...”菜单将甲板添加到文件夹。 (如果您之前使用过“Deck Tags”和“Deck Groups”,这同样适用。)
- 我的牌组屏幕上的图标可帮助您快速找到您的文件夹和其他部分。
- 整个应用程序的新排版。
- 默认为“我的牌组”屏幕上的“所有牌组”部分,因此您可以在新设备上登录时快速找到您的牌组。
- 各种其他 UI 修饰。
- 改进了一些错误信息。
- Bug修复。
v4.9.2Fixed a bug with editing and deleting cards.
v4.9.1- better error messages
- bug fixes
v4.9.0- Updated dark mode background to allow dark text to be more visible

We appreciate your feedback and suggestions! Feel free to leave a comment by contacting us via support in the app we'd love to hear from you!
v4.8.8- UX tweaks
- Bug fixes
v4.8.7- Streamlined making decks, by adding a default name
- Use any of your existing Layouts when making a new deck
- Improve UI of celebration when you hit your Study Goal (be sure to hit your goal each day to see it!)
v4.8.6- Improved Review screen menu
- Fixed missing Edit button on Review screen menu
v4.8.4- Study Goals! Set how many cards you'd like to review each day, and get a red number on the app icon to encourage you to complete all your reviews. Go to the Settings screen in AnkiApp to configure this.
- Also, a link from the Settings screen to iOS Settings, for enabling notification permissions in case you don't have them turned on.
- Bug fixes.
v4.8.3- Show card count for local decks
- Fix selecting "A" grade does not include "AA" and "AAA"











暗记App Mac版类型:学习软件








百词斩手机版v7.4.611.8M / 简体 / 7.2下载

叽里呱啦appv11.30.438.8M / 简体 / 8.2下载

英语流利说v8.30.0362M / 简体 / 7.8下载

英语趣配音appv5.90105M / 简体 / 8.0下载

多纳学英语appv8.3.226.1M / 简体 / 9.1下载

马桶英语V3.6.130.4M / 简体 / 10.0下载

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暗记Anki v2.9.17