飙酷车神 全人物技能效果及升级分别需要花费多少点数是很多玩家想知道的,这篇攻略会详细的告诉大家。
1 - 1 ON A DIME(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,增加 1% ~ 5% 的刹车性能·
1 point 1% increase to your car's braking.
2 point 2% increase to your car's braking.
3 point 3% increase to your car's braking.
4 point 4% increase to your car's braking.
5 point 5% increase to your car's braking.
1 - 2 DOUBLE DOWN(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,在每次升级的时候额外增加 2% ~ 20% 获得更多技能点数的几率
1 point 2% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
2 point 4% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
3 point 6% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
4 point 8% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
5 point 10% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
6 point 12% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
7 point 14% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
8 point 16% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
9 point 18% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
10 point 20% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,降低 3% ~ 30% 购买所有街道零件的费用
1 point 3% off the cost of all street parts.
2 point 6% off the cost of all street parts.
3 point 9% off the cost of all street parts.
4 point 12% off the cost of all street parts.
5 point 15% off the cost of all street parts.
6 point 18% off the cost of all street parts.
7 point 21% off the cost of all street parts.
8 point 24% off the cost of all street parts.
9 point 27% off the cost of all street parts.
10 point 30% off the cost of all street parts.
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在每场任务中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 的经验和金钱
1 point 2% more XP and $ from missions.
2 point 4% more XP and $ from missions.
3 point 6% more XP and $ from missions.
4 point 8% more XP and $ from missions.
5 point 10% more XP and $ from missions.
1 - 5 THE CREW(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在每场任务和帮派任务中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 的经验和金钱
1 point Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 2%.
2 point Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 4%.
3 point Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 6%.
4 point Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 8%.
5 point Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 10%.
2 - 1 LIKE A GLOVE(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,增加 1% ~ 5% 的车辆操控性
1 point 1% increase to your car's handling.
2 point 2% increase to your car's handling.
3 point 3% increase to your car's handling.
4 point 4% increase to your car's handling.
5 point 5% increase to your car's handling.
2 - 2 INSURANCE(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 5% ~ 50% 的车辆维修费用
1 point 5% off the cost of car repairs.
2 point 10% off the cost of car repairs.
3 point 15% off the cost of car repairs.
4 point 20% off the cost of car repairs.
5 point 25% off the cost of car repairs.
6 point 30% off the cost of car repairs.
7 point 35% off the cost of car repairs.
8 point 40% off the cost of car repairs.
9 point 45% off the cost of car repairs.
10 point 50% off the cost of car repairs.
花费 1 ~ 3 点的技能点数,在比赛中获得导航援助;增强导航中的检查点的视距;增加赛道辅助线(蓝线加速,红线减速)
1 piont Get satellite navigation assistance during checkpoint Runs $ Races.
2 piont Enhanced navigation with a visual racing line for checkpoint Runs $ Races.
3 point Visual racing line is augmented with color coded speed data.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 3% ~ 30% 购买新车辆的费用
1 point 3% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
2 point 6% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
3 point 9% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
4 point 12% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
5 point 15% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
6 point 18% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
7 point 21% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
8 point 24% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
9 point 27% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
10 point 30% off the cost of a new car in any car Dealer.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 200% ~ 100% 在任何地方修理车辆的费用(首个点数用于解锁该技能)
1 point Unlock the MOBILE MECHANIC App to repair your car anywhere at 200% of HQ repair cost.
2 point Repair your car anywhere at 180% of HQ repair cost.
3 point Repair your car anywhere at 170% of HQ repair cost.
4 point Repair your car anywhere at 160% of HQ repair cost.
5 point Repair your car anywhere at 150% of HQ repair cost.
6 point Repair your car anywhere at 140% of HQ repair cost.
7 point Repair your car anywhere at 130% of HQ repair cost.
8 point Repair your car anywhere at 120% of HQ repair cost.
9 point Repair your car anywhere at 110% of HQ repair cost.
10 point Repair your car anywhere at 100% of HQ repair cost.
3 - 2 THE NEW WORLD(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,显示 550m ~ 1000m 范围内的玩家
1 point Reveal everything within 550m of the player.
2 point Reveal everything within 600m of the player.
3 point Reveal everything within 650m of the player.
4 point Reveal everything within 700m of the player.
5 point Reveal everything within 750m of the player.
6 point Reveal everything within 800m of the player.
7 point Reveal everything within 850m of the player.
8 point Reveal everything within 900m of the player.
9 point Reveal everything within 950m of the player.
10 point Reveal everything within 1000m of the player.
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在每次获得技能的时候增加 2% ~ 10% 获得更多经验和金钱的几率
1 point 2% more XP and $ from skills.
2 point 4% more XP and $ from skills.
3 point 6% more XP and $ from skills.
4 point 8% more XP and $ from skills.
5 point 10% more XP and $ from skills.
3 - 4 DIRTY DEALS(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 D 级车辆 2% ~ 10% 购买零部件的费用
1 point 3% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
2 point 6% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
3 point 9% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
4 point 12% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
5 point 15% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
6 point 18% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
7 point 21% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
8 point 24% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
9 point 27% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
10 point 30% off the cost of all Dirt parts.
4 - 1 HOLESHOT(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,可在任何 PVP 模式比赛中使用 10% ~ 100% 的氮气
1 point 10% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
2 point 20% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
3 point 30% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
4 point 40% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
5 point 50% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
6 point 60% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
7 point 70% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
8 point 80% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
9 point 90% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
10 point 100% Nitrous available at the start of any Mission or PVP Event.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,增加 2% ~ 20% 的氮气加速
1 point 2% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
2 point 4% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
3 point 6% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
4 point 8% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
5 point 10% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
6 point 12% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
7 point 14% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
8 point 16% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
9 point 18% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
10 point 20% increase to your car's acceleration under Nitrous.
4 - 3 DAREDEVIL(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在特技比赛中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 的金钱
1 point 2% more $ from Stunts.
2 point 4% more $ from Stunts.
3 point 6% more $ from Stunts.
4 point 8% more $ from Stunts.
5 point 10% more $ from Stunts.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 P 级车辆 2% ~ 10% 购买零部件的费用
1 point 3% off the cost of all Perf parts.
2 point 6% off the cost of all Perf parts.
3 point 9% off the cost of all Perf parts.
4 point 12% off the cost of all Perf parts.
5 point 15% off the cost of all Perf parts.
6 point 18% off the cost of all Perf parts.
7 point 21% off the cost of all Perf parts.
8 point 24% off the cost of all Perf parts.
9 point 27% off the cost of all Perf parts.
10 point 30% off the cost of all Perf parts.
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,增加 1% ~ 5% 车辆加速度
1 point 1% increase to your car's acceleration.
2 point 2% increase to your car's acceleration.
3 point 3% increase to your car's acceleration.
4 point 4% increase to your car's acceleration.
5 point 5% increase to your car's acceleration.
花费 1 ~ 3 点的技能点数,2 ~ 4 个好友可同时接受帮派任务
1 point 2 friends can be sent on Faction Missions at the same time.
2 point 3 friends can be sent on Faction Missions at the same time.
3 point 4 friends can be sent on Faction Missions at the same time.
5 - 3 MOTORIOUS(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在帮派任务中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 声望
1 point 2% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
2 point 4% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
3 point 6% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
4 point 8% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
5 point 10% more Reputation Points from Faction Missions $ PVP Events.
5 - 4 IT ‘ SAS ’ TEAL(10)
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 R 级车辆 3% ~ 30% 购买零部件的费用
1 point 3% off the cost of all Raid parts.
2 point 6% off the cost of all Raid parts.
3 point 9% off the cost of all Raid parts.
4 point 12% off the cost of all Raid parts.
5 point 15% off the cost of all Raid parts.
6 point 18% off the cost of all Raid parts.
7 point 21% off the cost of all Raid parts.
8 point 24% off the cost of all Raid parts.
9 point 27% off the cost of all Raid parts.
10 point 30% off the cost of all Raid parts.
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在任何技术挑战赛中获得额外的 3% ~ 15% 速度得分
1 point 3% faster scoring in any skill.
2 point 6% faster scoring in any skill.
3 point 9% faster scoring in any skill.
4 point 12% faster scoring in any skill.
5 point 15% faster scoring in any skill.
6 - 2 REDINE(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,提升 1% ~ 5% 的车辆最高速度
1 point 1% increase to your car's top speed.
2 point 2% increase to your car's top speed.
3 point 3% increase to your car's top speed.
4 point 4% increase to your car's top speed.
5 point 5% increase to your car's top speed.
6 - 3 MVP(5)
花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在 PVP 模式中获得 2% ~ 10% 额外的经验和金钱
1 point 2% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
2 point 4% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
3 point 6% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
4 point 8% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
5 point 10% more XP and $ from PVP Events.
花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,减少 3% ~ 30% 购买电路零部件的费用
1 point 3% off the cost of all circuit parts.
2 point 6% off the cost of all circuit parts.
3 point 9% off the cost of all circuit parts.
4 point 12% off the cost of all circuit parts.
5 point 15% off the cost of all circuit parts.
6 point 18% off the cost of all circuit parts.
7 point 21% off the cost of all circuit parts.
8 point 24% off the cost of all circuit parts.
9 point 27% off the cost of all circuit parts.
10 point 30% off the cost of all circuit parts.
相关阅读 飙酷车神2新载具介绍 飙酷车神2七月新车有哪些飙酷车神2有哪些动物 飙酷车神2动物位置一览飙酷车神2黑屏问题解决方法 飙酷车神2黑屏怎么办飙酷车神2怎么联机 飙酷车神2联机方法介绍飙酷车神2画质提升方法介绍 飙酷车神2怎么提升画质效果飙酷车神2怎么退出游戏 飙酷车神2游戏无法退出怎么办飙酷车神2初始车辆选哪个好 飙酷车神2初始车辆选择指南飙酷车神2飞机如何爬升 飙酷车神2飞机爬升操作方法介绍
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