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Office 2010 SP1 将在今年夏天正式发布

时间:2011/4/8 9:37:19来源:cnbeta作者:佚名我要评论(0)

Office产品的更新向来很低调,今天微软Office团队宣布了Office 2010 SP1的最终发布日期:2011年夏天,并且还透露SharePoint 2010将同期带来更新,届时微软将更新40个语种的Office版本,并带来新的四个语言包:Galician, Basque, Catalan, Serbian Cyrillic.以下是Office 2010 SP1将要包含的内容:

Security and Non-Security Updates for March 2011 – Released March 8, 2011
Office 2010 February 2011 Cumulative Update (KB 2493730) – Released February 22, 2011
Security and Non-Security Updates for February 2011 – Released February 8, 2011
Non-Security Updates for January 2011 – Released January 11, 2011
Office 2010 December 2010 Cumulative Update (KB 2479673) – Released December 14, 2010
Security and Non-Security Updates for December 2010 – Released December 14, 2010
Security and Non-Security Updates for November 2010 – Released November 9, 2010
Office 2010 October 2010 Cumulative Update (KB 2449183) – Released October 26, 2010
Security and Non-Security Updates for October 2010 – Released October 12, 2010
Security and Non-Security Updates for September 2010 – Released September 14, 2010
Office 2010 August 2010 Cumulative Update (KB 2396341) – Released August 31, 2010
Security and Non-Security Updates for August 2010 – Released August 10, 2010
Security and Non-Security Updates for July 2010 – Released July 13, 2010
Office 2010 June 2010 Cumulative Update (KB 2259686) – Released June 29, 2010




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