微软已经公开表示将在Office 2007 SP2中新增包括XPS、PDF和ODF在内的多种文档格式支持。在12月16日,微软也已经发布了ODF 1.1 for Office 2007 SP2部署通知。对此,一直专注于Office的互用性的微软产品经理,Doug Mahugh指出,这正是微软为实现其“透明,协作,互用,个性”承诺而造就的一个典型的例子。
Mahugh还强调,ODF部署通知只是微软为确保文档互用性而作出的努力的一部分。微软还指出,对于Office 2007和Office 2008 for MAC来说,由于缺乏如ODF之类的相应标准,无法使其原生支持ODF。不过微软也保证将会在Office 2007中添加Ecma 376(Open XML)支持。
Microsoft has already announced that it will make Office 2007 Service Pack 2 play nice with a range of file formats and standards including XPS, PDF, and ODF. In this regard, on December 16, 2008, the Redmond company has published the ODF 1.1 Implementer Notes for Office 2007 SP2. In this manner, Doug Mahugh, a senior product manager at Microsoft who specializes in Microsoft Office interoperability, indicated that the software giant delivered an example of its commitment to “transparency, industry collaboration, interoperability, and customer choice.”
Mahugh emphasized that the Open Document Format implementation notes for Office 2007 SP2 was an integral part of the company's efforts to ensure document interoperability. “We expect the notes to enable developers to create solutions that meet the interoperability needs of end-users. In roundtable discussions at recent DII workshops, implementers told us they would find it useful to know the specific details of our implementation of ODF. That feedback has helped inform our work on the implementation notes,” Mahugh added.
Microsoft pointed out that it was in no way abandoning the Open XML file format native to Office 2007 and Office 2008 for Mac, which it fought to have standardized, just as ODF. In fact, moving forward from the current focus on ODF, the Redmond company informed that it would also make available the implementation notes for Ecma 376 (Open XML) in Office 2007. Mahugh promised that, in the next few months, the implementation notes for Open XML would join those for ODF.
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