您的位置:首页网页设计PHP实例 → pop3邮件收取一例


时间:2004/11/7 3:22:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(2)


Test for Manuel Lemos's PHP POP3 class





$pop3_connection=new pop3_class;




   echo "
Connected to the POP3 server "$pop3_connection->hostname".



      echo "
User "$user" logged in.



         echo "
There are $messages messages in the mail box with a total of $size bytes.




               echo "
Message ",Key($result)," - ",$result[Key($result)]," bytes.





                  echo "
Message 1:\n---Message headers starts below---

                     echo "

                  echo "
---Message headers ends above---\n---Message body starts below---

                     echo "

                  echo "
---Message body ends above---





                  echo "
Disconnected from the POP3 server "$pop3_connection->hostname".








   echo "

Error: ",HtmlSpecialChars($error),"




class pop3_class


        var $hostname="";

        var $port=110;

        var $connection=0;

        var $state="DISCONNECTED";

        var $greeting="";

        var $must_update=0;

        var $debug=0;

        Function OutputDebug($message)


                echo $message,"


        Function GetLine()








                        if($length>=2 && substr($line,$length-2,2)=="\r\n")




                                        $this->OutputDebug("< $line");





        Function PutLine($line)



                        $this->OutputDebug("> $line");



        Function OpenConnection()



                        return("2 it was not specified a valid hostname");



                        case -3:

                                return("-3 socket could not be created");

                        case -4:

                                return("-4 dns lookup on hostname \"$hostname\" failed");

                        case -5:

                                return("-5 connection refused or timed out");

                        case -6:

                                return("-6 fdopen() call failed");

                        case -7:

                                return("-7 setvbuf() call failed");





        Function CloseConnection()








        Function Open()



                        return("1 a connection is already opened");





                || strtok($this->greeting," ")!="+OK")



                        return("3 POP3 server greeting was not found");








        Function Close()



                        return("no connection was opened");




                                return("Could not send the QUIT command");



                                return("Could not get quit command response");

                        if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")

                                return("Could not quit the connection: ".strtok("\r\n"));






        Function Login($user,$password,$apop)



                        return("connection is not in AUTHORIZATION state");



                        if($this->PutLine("APOP $user ".md5($this->greeting.$password))==0)

                                return("Could not send the APOP command");



                                return("Could not get APOP login command response");

                        if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")

                                return("APOP login failed: ".strtok("\r\n"));




                        if($this->PutLine("USER $user")==0)

                                return("Could not send the USER command");



                                return("Could not get user login entry response");

                        if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")

                                return("User error: ".strtok("\r\n"));

                        if($this->PutLine("PASS $password")==0)

                                return("Could not send the PASS command");



                                return("Could not get login password entry response");

                        if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")

                                return("Password error: ".strtok("\r\n"));





        /* Statistics method - pass references to variables to hold the number of

     messages in the mail box and the size that they take in bytes.  */

        Function Statistics($messages,$size)



                        return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state");


                        return("Could not send the STAT command");



                        return("Could not get the statistics command response");

                if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")

                        return("Could not get the statistics: ".strtok("\r\n"));

                $messages=strtok(" ");

                $size=strtok(" ");



        Function ListMessages($message,$unique_id)



                        return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state");





                if($this->PutLine("$list_command $message")==0)

                        return("Could not send the $list_command command");



                        return("Could not get message list command response");

                if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")

                        return("Could not get the message listing: ".strtok("\r\n"));







                                        return("Could not get message list response");



                                $message=intval(strtok($response," "));


                                        $messages[$message]=strtok(" ");


                                        $messages[$message]=intval(strtok(" "));






                        $message=intval(strtok(" "));

                        return(intval(strtok(" ")));



        Function RetrieveMessage($message,$headers,$body,$lines)



                        return("connection is not in TRANSACTION state");









                        $arguments="$message $lines";


                if($this->PutLine("$command $arguments")==0)

                        return("Could not send the $command command");



                        return("Could not get message retrieval command response");

                if(strtok($response," ")!="+OK")

                        return("Could not retrieve the message: ".strtok("\r\n"));





                                return("Could not retrieve the message");



                                case ".":


                                case "":

                                        break 2;












                                return("Could not retrieve the message");



                                case ".":













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