您的位置:首页网页设计ASP实例 → 全球IP地址查询完整版


时间:2004/11/7 2:57:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)


本人在 win98+pws+access2000上测试通过,效果比较理想。


有任何错误或建议请一定要给我发E-mail: ljz811@163.com  ,我也不了解“追捕”等类似算法,欢迎交流,谢谢!


1、  转wry.dll为.mdb由于我们要优化数据库(适合我们用的),建议这样做:



字段名                 类型               长度                   说明


     id                  自动编号   

newid                 数字                5                      startip前三个数字

    seconded                数字                5                    startip第二部分三个数字

    startip                  文本               20                    起始IP段

    endip                  文本                20                    止 IP 段

    country                 文本                                     此段IP所在国家或省

    local                   文本                                      此段IP所在地


从Excel中copy     startip/endip/country/local 四个字段至Access ,id会自动添加,对于newid和secondid当然我们不可能手工添加,可以这样实现。



sqlcmd="select * from ip"

‘建议使用sqlcmd="select * from ipwhere id>=值1 and id<值2"  ,因为对于一万个左右的数据一下子添加资源占用很大

          set rs=ip.execute(sqlcmd)

          do while not rs.eof



            sqlcmd3="update ip set newid='"&str&"',secondid='"sec"' "

            ip.execute sqlcmd3          




这样就完成数据库的修改,对于dbpath.asp 文件下面讲

2、  文件介绍

本程序分 dbpath.asp   和   search.asp


Dbpath.Asp 代码如下:(本人命名数据库名字为ip.mdb)

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<% set ip=server.createobject("ADODB.CONNECTION")  

ip.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & Server.MapPath("ip.mdb") %>

search.asp  代码如下:


'           Write  by  尥蹶子

'                   If you find some error or you have better idea

'           Please contact  me

'           My Email: ljz811@163.com    Oicq:30763914







style    ="BACKGROUND-COLOR: lavender; HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 182px" >&nbsp;


userip=Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR")


  if listip="" or listip=" " then

  Response.Write "






   if cmp=0 then  %>










   if mun1=1 then

     Response.Write  "

"&" 非有效的IP地址,IP每段必须1~3位!




     if len(fir)=2 then


     end if  

     if len(fir)=1 then



     end if  





      if len(sec)=2 then


     end if  

     if len(sec)=1 then



     end if  





      if len(thr)=2 then


     end if  

     if len(thr)=1 then



     end if  



      if len(fou)=2 then


     end if  

     if len(fou)=1 then



     end if  



   if len(fir)=0 or len(fir)>3 or len(sec)=0 or len(sec)>3 or len(thr)=0 or len(thr)>3 or len(fou)=0 or len(fou)>3 then

  Response.Write  "

"&" 非有效的IP地址,IP每段必须1~3位!






     if ((fir>=0) and  (fir<= 2)) or ((fir>=58) and (fir<=60)) or ((fir>=67) and (fir<=126)) then

     Response.Write  "

"&" Internet IP保留地址!






        if (fir>=219 and fir<=223) or fir=225 then

        Response.Write  "

"&" 此IP地址尚未分配!



        if fir>255 or fir<0 or sec>255 or sec<0 or thr>255 or thr<0 or fou>255 or fou<0 then

       Response.Write  "

"&" Internet IP地址输入值不正确!





        Set sql= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

                        rs1="select id,startip,endip,country,local from ip where id<9904 and newid="&fir&" and secondid="&sec&" "

                         sql.open rs1,ip,1,1


          if sql.RecordCount = 1 then   


        sqlcmd2="select id,startip,endip,country,local from ip where id<9904 and newid="&fir&" and secondid="&sec&" order by id desc"

         set rs=ip.execute(sqlcmd2)


          sqlcmd2="select id,startip,endip,country,local from ip where id<9904 and newid="&fir&" order by id desc"

          set rs=ip.execute(sqlcmd2)

             if rs.eof then



如果你知道请告诉我!OICQ:30763914 谢谢!

         <% else

          do while not rs.eof

           '*******处理country  or  local为空的情况,使用了按id倒排(why?因为根据IP地址表可知,先列大地区的ip段,例如先列出欧洲的062.000.000.000~,再列英国等IP段)


            if  (sec>=(mid(rs("startip"),5,3)) and (sec<=mid(rs("endip"),5,3))) and (thr>=(mid(rs("startip"),9,3)) and (thr<=mid(rs("endip"),9,3))) and (fou>=(mid(rs("startip"),13,3)) and (fou<=mid(rs("endip"),13,3)))  then





                          exit do



              end if

              if rs.eof then




如果你知道请告诉我!OICQ:30763914 谢谢!


             end if




          end if

         end if





      end if

end if%>

     <%end if%>

     <%end if%>

     <%end if%>

     <%end if%><%end if%>

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