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时间:2004/11/7 2:57:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)

在Jscript中定义类通过类声明, 包含方法和对象和var 声明。对于类的派生通过下面两个程序的对比,你讲清楚地明白。

    JScript 5.5 Code

// Simple object with no methods

function Car(make, color, year)


   this.make = make;

   this.color = color;

   this.year = year;


function Car.prototype.GetDescription()


   return this.year + " " + this.color + " " + this.make;


// Create and use a new Car object

var myCar = new Car("Accord", "Maroon", 1984);


JScript.NET Code

// Wrap the function inside a class statement.

class Car


   var make : String;

   var color : String;

   var year : int;

   function Car(make, color, year)


      this.make = make;

      this.color = color;

      this.year = year;


   function GetDescription()


      return this.year + " " + this.color + " " + this.make;



var myCar = new Car("Accord", "Maroon", 1984);


    Jscript.net还支持定义private和protected property通过GET和SET进行读写。


class Person


   private var m_sName : String;

   private var m_iAge : int;

   function Person(name : String, age : int)


      this.m_sName = name;

      this.m_iAge = age;


   // Name 只读

   function get Name() : String


      return this.m_sName;


   // Age 读写但是只能用SET

   function get Age() : int


      return this.m_sAge;


   function set Age(newAge : int)


      if ((newAge >= 0) && (newAge <= 110))

         this.m_iAge = newAge;


         throw newAge + " is not a realistic age!";



var fred : Person = new Person("Fred", 25);



// 这将产生一个编译错误,name是只读的。

fred.Name = "Paul";

// 这个将正常执行

fred.Age = 26;

// 这将得到一个 run-time 错误, 值太大了

fred.Age = 200;

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