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将HTML表单数据存储为XML格式 - 2

时间:2004/11/7 2:53:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)



  在"MyXMLDoc.xml"文档中,childElement1 和 childElement2 会以空的elements形式出现。如果它们被赋值,那么每



据写到XML文档中去的过程,现在已演变成为Request Object"s Form Collection以及将每一个表单域的value书定到XML

element value 中去的步骤重复。以上可以通过ASP来完成。





<br><BR> Contact Information<br><BR>


First Name:

Last Name:

Address #1:

Address #2:

Phone Number:


  将Form 中数据发送到processForm.asp.。这是一个ASP页面,在这个ASP中将反复调用同一个函数将form数据写入XML





"The "ConvertFormtoXML" Function accepts to parameters.

"strXMLFilePath - The physical path where the XML file will be saved.

"strFileName - The name of the XML file that will be saved.


Function ConvertFormtoXML(strXMLFilePath, strFileName)

"Declare local variables.

Dim objDom

Dim objRoot

Dim objField

Dim objFieldValue

Dim objattID

Dim objattTabOrder

Dim objPI

Dim x

"Instantiate the Microsoft XMLDOM.

Set objDom = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

objDom.preserveWhiteSpace = True

"Create your root element and append it to the XML document.

Set objRoot = objDom.createElement("contact")

objDom.appendChild objRoot

"Iterate through the Form Collection of the Request Object.

For x = 1 To Request.Form.Count

"Check to see if "btn" is in the name of the form element.

"If it is, then it is a button and we do not want to add it

"to the XML document.

If instr(1,Request.Form.Key(x),"btn") = 0 Then

"Create an element, "field".

Set objField = objDom.createElement("field")

"Create an attribute, "id".

Set objattID = objDom.createAttribute("id")

"Set the value of the id attribute equal the the name of

"the current form field.

objattID.Text = Request.Form.Key(x)

"The setAttributeNode method will append the id attribute

"to the field element.

objField.setAttributeNode objattID

"Create another attribute, "taborder". This just orders the


Set objattTabOrder = objDom.createAttribute("taborder")

"Set the value of the taborder attribute.

objattTabOrder.Text = x

"Append the taborder attribute to the field element.

objField.setAttributeNode objattTabOrder

"Create a new element, "field_value".

Set objFieldValue = objDom.createElement("field_value")

"Set the value of the field_value element equal to

"the value of the current field in the Form Collection.

objFieldValue.Text = Request.Form(x)

"Append the field element as a child of the root element.

objRoot.appendChild objField

"Append the field_value element as a child of the field elemnt.

objField.appendChild objFieldValue

End If


"Create the xml processing instruction.

Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version="1.0"")

"Append the processing instruction to the XML document.

objDom.insertBefore objPI, objDom.childNodes(0)

"Save the XML document.

objDom.save strXMLFilePath & "\" & strFileName

"Release all of your object references.

Set objDom = Nothing

Set objRoot = Nothing

Set objField = Nothing

Set objFieldValue = Nothing

Set objattID = Nothing

Set objattTabOrder = Nothing

Set objPI = Nothing

End Function

"Do not break on an error.

On Error Resume Next

"Call the ConvertFormtoXML function, passing in the physical path to

"save the file to and the name that you wish to use for the file.

ConvertFormtoXML "c:","Contact.xml"

"Test to see if an error occurred, if so, let the user know.

"Otherwise, tell the user that the operation was successful.

If err.number <> 0 then

Response.write("Errors occurred while saving your form submission.")


Response.write("Your form submission has been saved.")

End If


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