<%@ language="JavaScript">
// get the page to display from the URL
var sPage = "" + Request.QueryString ( "page" );
// make sure it's a page we allow them to view!
switch ( sPage )
case "Wider":
case "COM":
case "Handle404":
case "Categories":
case "CategoryPage":
case "Columns":
case "ResultsPage":
case "Date":
case "Contact":
case "Subscribe":
case "MailToList":
Response.Redirect ( "NaughtyNaughty!" );
// output relevant meta tags
Init( "ASP source example" );
// output common top of page
Header( 'Work --> "' + sPage + '.asp" --> Source', 3 );
// output page content
Content ( );
// output common bottom of page
Footer ( );
<% standard="" page="" elements="">
// ============================================
// the content of this page
// ============================================
function Content ( )
Out ( '' );
Out ( '' );
Out ( '' );
// have we advertized our mailing list yet?
var bDoneLink = false;
// ============================================
// display the contents of the given file
// ============================================
function ShowFile ( oFSO, sFile, bPassHTML, bShowName )
var ForReading = 1;
// var ForWriting = 2;
// var ForAppending = 8;
// open asp file for reading
var fFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile ( Server.MapPath( sFile ), ForReading );
// read entire file contents into variable
var s = fFile.ReadAll ( );
if ( !bPassHTML )
// replace & with & so HTML displayed, not interpreted
s = s.replace ( /&/g, '&' );
// replace < with < so HTML displayed, not interpreted
s = s.replace ( /
// replace newline with HTML equivalent
s = s.replace ( /\n/g, '
' );
// replace tabs with 3 spaces
s = s.replace ( /\t/g, ' ' );
// show filename and change font color for source code
s = '' + s + '';
if ( bShowName )
s = '
' + sFile + '
' + s;
Out ( s );
fFile.Close ( );
// ============================================
// show a source file outside the table
// ============================================
function ShowSource ( oFSO, sFile, bShowName )
// advertize our mailing list before the first source file
if ( !bDoneLink )
bDoneLink = true;
Out ( '
Get informed when the source code below changes!Subscribe to our mailing list.' );
Out ( '' );
Out ( '
' );
Out ( '
| ' ); // create handle to FileSystemObject var oFSO = Server.CreateObject ( 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' ); // each source file that we show source for could have a related // documentation file for us to display before and after the // source. for now, I use a generic header and footer file. the // 'true' tells ShowFile to pass through any HTML to the browser. ShowFile ( oFSO, 'Generic.pre', true, false ); switch ( sPage ) { case "Categories": case "CategoryPage": case "Columns": Out ( ' ![]() ' ); break; } ShowSource ( oFSO, sPage + '.asp', true ); // show any extra utility file(s) too switch ( sPage ) { case "Wider": ShowSource ( oFSO, 'include/SetGlobals.asp', true ); ShowSource ( oFSO, 'utils/Header.asp', true ); break; case "Categories": case "CategoryPage": case "Columns": case "Subscribe": case "MailToList": ShowSource ( oFSO, 'utils/Database.asp', true ); break; case "Categories": case "CategoryPage": case "Columns": ShowSource ( oFSO, 'utils/ShowCategory.asp', true ); break; } // show the generic footer ShowFile ( oFSO, 'Generic.pst', true, false ); // we've finished with the object so free the resource oFSO = null; Out ( ' ![]() Out ( ' | | |
' ); // show news file ShowFile ( oFSO, sFile, false, bShowName ); Out ( ' | |||
| ' ); } %> |
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