1.清单 11-1. 索引指示器的例子:IntIndexer.cs |
using System; /// /// A simple indexer example. /// class IntIndexer { private string[] myData; public IntIndexer(int size) { myData = new string[size]; for (int i=0; i < size; i++) { myData[i] = "empty"; } } public string this[int pos] { get { return myData[pos]; } set { myData[pos] = value; } } static void Main(string[] args) { int size = 10; IntIndexer myInd = new IntIndexer(size); myInd[9] = "Some Value"; myInd[3] = "Another Value"; myInd[5] = "Any Value"; Console.WriteLine("\nIndexer Output\n"); for (int i=0; i < size; i++) { Console.WriteLine("myInd[{0}]: {1}", i, myInd[i]); } } } |
说明 |
Indexer Output myInd[0]: empty myInd[1]: empty myInd[2]: empty myInd[3]: Another Value myInd[4]: empty myInd[5]: Any Value myInd[6]: empty myInd[7]: empty myInd[8]: empty myInd[9]: Some Value |
2.清单 11-2. 重载的索引指示器: OvrIndexer.cs |
using System; /// /// Implements overloaded indexers. /// class OvrIndexer { private string[] myData; private int arrSize; public OvrIndexer(int size) { arrSize = size; myData = new string[size]; for (int i=0; i < size; i++) { myData[i] = "empty"; } } public string this[int pos] { get { return myData[pos]; } set { myData[pos] = value; } } public string this[string data] { get { int count = 0; for (int i=0; i < arrSize; i++) { if (myData[i] == data) { count++; } } return count.ToString(); } set { for (int i=0; i < arrSize; i++) { if (myData[i] == data) { myData[i] = value; } } } } static void Main(string[] args) { int size = 10; OvrIndexer myInd = new OvrIndexer(size); myInd[9] = "Some Value"; myInd[3] = "Another Value"; myInd[5] = "Any Value"; myInd["empty"] = "no value"; Console.WriteLine("\nIndexer Output\n"); for (int i=0; i < size; i++) { Console.WriteLine("myInd[{0}]: {1}", i, myInd[i]); } Console.WriteLine("\nNumber of \"no value\" entries: {0}", myInd["no value"]); } } |
说明 |
Indexer Output myInd[0]: no value myInd[1]: no value myInd[2]: no value myInd[3]: Another Value myInd[4]: no value myInd[5]: Any Value myInd[6]: no value myInd[7]: no value myInd[8]: no value myInd[9]: Some Value Number of "no value" entries: 7 |
public object this[int param1, ..., int paramN] { get { // process and return some class data } set { // process and assign some class data } } |
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