您的位置:首页 → 精文荟萃 → 硬件报道 → Intel:奔腾-M处理器出现14处错误
时间:2004/10/8 13:31:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)
- Performance Monitoring Event that counts Intel Thermal Monitor 2 transitions (59h) is not accurate;
- Performance Monitoring Event that counts the number of instructions decoded (D0h) is not accurate;
- RDTSC Instruction may report the wrong time stamp counter value;
- Code Segment limit violation may occur on 4GB limit check;
- FST Instruction with Numeric and Null Segment Exceptions may cause General Protection Faults to be Missed and FP Linear Address (FLA) Mismatch;
- Code Segment is wrong on SMM Handler when SMBASE is not aligned;
- IFU/BSU Deadlock may cause system hang;
- Processor can enter a livelock condition under certain conditions when FP exception is pending;
- Write Cycle of Write Combining Memory Type does not Self Snoop;
- Performance Monitoring Event that counts Floating Point Computational Exceptions (11h) is not accurate;
- Inconsistent Reporting of Data Breakpoints on FP (MMX) loads;
- Code Breakpoint may be taken after POP SS instruction if it is followed by an instruction that faults;
- SysEnter and SysExit instructions may write incorrect Requestor Privilege Level (RPL) in the FP Code Segment selector (FCS);
- Memory Aliasing with Inconsistent A and D Bits may cause Processor Deadlock。
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