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时间:2004/11/7 4:10:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)

Controlling Flash with ASP

A recent project has required a few things that I haven't done for a while. One is dealing with Flash -

which I haven't done since shortly after the release of Flash 3.0. The other is to actually figure some

way of getting dynamic content in without using Generator. One solution we've come up with involves

jumping out of a flash movie into an ASP page, then back again. Of course our designers were a little

miffed, since they've built the flash movie with all sorts of different transitions from place to place,

and this solution would mean starting from the opening scene of the movie evry time. It also stank from a

usability standpoint.

Not so, said I

To accomplish the effect of jumping back in at a specific frame, we simply load some variables into the

flash movie and use them to jump to the right frame. Cool huh?

Initially we had a little trouble, since designers don't need to know anything about ASP, so conveying

information back and forth was a little tricky, but we got there. How it works is like this

In the flash Movie, the first frame has a piece of actionscript which simply reads



The syntax is slightly different in Flash 4.0 - this is Flash 5.0, but you get my drift

Now, when jumping back from the ASP page to the Flash page, we tag a querystring parameter onto the links




And so on. The script flash.asp looks something like this...


  Response.Buffer = true; Response.Expires = -1441;

  var s = new String(Request.Querystring("scene"));  

  strScene = (s!='undefined'&&s!='')?s:'default';


  Flash Control


  width="750" height="395">





  type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="750" height="395">



So, if we have nothing in the querystring, it loads the scene 'default' - else it loads whatever ASP tells

it to. cool huh?

This trick will work from Flash 4.0 upwards - flash 5.0 is particularly nifty, and i could get to like


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